Vučković: Agriculture Investments Needed In To Catch Up To Developed Countries

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This was the first regional workshop on the “Strategic Plan for the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) 2023-2028,” intended for local and regional government representatives and experts.

Vučković said that interested beneficiaries could be informed of the challenges of the future CAP and the basic elements of the future national strategic plan.

She recalled that the agriculture strategy to 2030 had been completed, as has a study on the strategy’s impact on the environment. The strategy has four objectives – increasing the productivity of agricultural production and its resilience to climate change, strengthening the competitiveness of the agriculture-food sector, reviving rural areas, and stimulating innovations.

On the other hand, the National Strategy Plan is being prepared according to future EU regulations and incorporates matters that the strategy doesn’t.

“We are opening important and challenging issues related to the financial allocation, about certain definitions that didn’t exist before, for example, what is a real or active farmer… The challenges ahead also mean satisfying climate and ecological ambitions concerning investment in new technology,” said Vučković. 

Commenting on the challenges in agriculture in the coming period, Vučković underscored that each country in the EU has its specificities.

” Agriculture, in fact, is that activity that has to equally consider all three pillars of sustainability – economic, social, and green sustainability,” she said, adding that the agriculture policy wishes to contribute to maintaining Croatia’s beauty, biodiversity and to reduce the negative impacts of climate change.

She underscored that the rural development program definitely brings structural changes to Croatia’s agriculture.

She announced that amendments to the Farmland Act would be prepared soon.

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