Croatian Chiriboo Released to Public After 3 Months of Experimental Work

Lauren Simmonds

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Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

April the 11th, 2023 – The Croatian Chiriboo platform is the very first regional digital tool for the purchase of cars, and after three months of experimental work, it has finally been made available for public use.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Chiriboo is now available for public use, and with a very impressive database. The Croatian Chiriboo platform has the prices, photos, technical data and equipment composition for more than 3000 models of vehicle currently available here on the Croatian market.

From Chiriboo, which was started by well-known names from the automotive, financial and developer scene – Juraj Sebalj, Darin Jankovic, Marko Stojakovic, Mladen Herceg, and Damir Skrtic – they state several advantages of this tool. They claim that it is unique in how it actually works, because searching for a model with the help of an intelligent “Search Engine” is simple, because a smart “Comparator” enables the comparison of different models, and also because it is possible to find a car according to your own very personal preferences. On top of all of that, everything is made that much easier because the Croatian Chiriboo platform already has a database of cars, which was mentioned above, ready and waiting for quick delivery to customers.

“At the moment, users can use the Chiriboo tool completely free of charge, and in the near future we will offer the service of finding the best offer according to specific user criteria,” they say.

The Croatian Chiriboo platform is otherwise a virtual address of sorts that will connect its users with various car dealers, car dealerships, financial services, insurers, and the offer will constantly expand to all domains of mobility.

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