Croatia Supports Kosovo Membership in Council of Europe

Katarina Anđelković

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April 25, 2023 – Croatia supported the Kosovo membership application in the Council of Europe (CoE) at a meeting where Kosovo was given the green light to continue integration into the European organization. With 33 votes in favor, seven against, and five abstentions, the Committee of Ministers of the CoE supported the Kosovo application and sent it to the Parliamentary Assembly and the leading European organizations for the protection of human rights for a vote.

“We strongly supported the Kosovo membership application in the Council of Europe,” the head of Croatian diplomacy told reporters. When asked about the Serbian boycott of the elections in the north of Kosovo, Grlić Radman said that the elections “were held in accordance with the constitution” and that they were legitimate, writes Index.

“A boycott is not a good solution; it is not a good model. It does not contribute to any solution to this issue,” he added.

Grlić Radman, who participated in the meeting of EU foreign affairs ministers, said they also discussed the situation in Ukraine and Sudan, including the evacuation of EU citizens, the migrant crisis in Tunisia and Moldova, which the EU will help in the fight against cyber attacks.

The ministers spoke with their Ukrainian colleague Dmitr Kuleb and “again condemned the Russian aggression and looked for those instruments, ways that will make our condemnation even more restrictive,” Grlić Radman said.

He added that out of about a hundred Croatian citizens, “everyone who wanted” was evacuated from Sudan, except one person he thinks is still on the way.

Grlić Radman thanked the European External Action Service, the Swedish Presidency, European embassies (French, Greek, etc.), and those outside the EU, such as the Saudi Arabian embassy, for their help.

As for Tunisia, Grlić Radman said that the situation in that country is worsening, and there is concern about a new wave of migrants.

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