Croatian Epidemiologists Soon to Propose Declaring End of Pandemic

Katarina Anđelković

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May 8, 2023 – Croatian epidemiologists might be proposing the Croatian government declare the end of pandemic. Pulmonologist Saša Srića commented on the decision of the World Health Organization, declaring the end of the global threat of the coronavirus pandemic.

In his guest appearance for N1’s Dnevnik, as reported by Index, this is what he said: “Two days ago, the president of the World Health Organization declared the end of the global threat related to the pandemic, not the end of the pandemic. But it is certainly one step towards the end of the pandemic. As in the whole world, there has been a positive trend in Croatia for the last year”.

“Croatia will also move towards declaring the end of the pandemic”

He says that we can expect that Croatia will also move towards declaring the end of the pandemic.

“Krunoslav Capak will propose to the government to declare the end of the epidemic in Croatia. For the health care system, this will mean a relief. When the end of the pandemic is declared, we must know that the virus is still with us, but it no longer poses a threat. The virus still exists, but we will learn to live with it,” said the pulmonologist and added: “The virus weakened because it mutated and, fortunately, it mutated into a weaker form. We believe that the danger that the virus will develop into a more severe form has passed.”

He also stated that today there are very few patients with severe pneumonia.

“We hope that in our lifetime and in the future, we will not be in this situation again. It wasn’t easy, but we did a great job with our joint efforts, and the vaccine contributed a lot. That all led us to be able to move on. The most difficult was to watch completely healthy people have their health collapse,” he concluded.

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