Croatian Judges on Two Week Strike, Demanding Better Conditions

Katarina Anđelković

Updated on:


May 8, 2023 – The Association of Croatian Judges (UHS) stated that, due to the lack of dialogue with the executive authorities, warning measures would be implemented in all first-instance courts in Croatia from Monday, May 8 to Friday, May 19.

As Poslovni writes, UHS specified that in the next two weeks, all actions in first-instance proceedings would be postponed, while in second-instance proceedings, council sessions will be held, but without sending decisions, and the exception at all levels are urgent cases in which irreparable damage could occur.

For the duration of the warning measures, the judges who implement the measures will be at their workplace and perform other judicial duties at all times; UHS points out.

“More than 70 percent of first-instance judges will participate in the warning measures, and we also have the support of state attorneys.” Urgent cases will be dealt with without delay, but the measures imply that work will not be done in the e-file, registration of new legal entities, decisions on inheritance, or, for example, divorce, will not be carried out,” points out Vesna Horvath, president of UHS Branch III Zagreb, adding that notifications about the postponement of the hearing have been sent to the parties.

The Ministry announced the referral to an urgent procedure to increase salaries for all judicial officials

Last Wednesday, May 3, the Ministry of Justice and Administration announced that urgent amendments to the Law on Salaries of Judges and Other Judicial Officials propose an 8 percent base increase for all judicial officials and an additional increase of 26.28 percent for first-degree judicial officials. With this proposal of the Law, the salaries of judges and deputy state attorneys at the first level will nominally increase by an average of 513 euros in the net amount, the Ministry stated.

The Ministry of Justice and Administration (MPU) will refer the proposed law to the legal procedure in an emergency procedure, they added in the press release.

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