October 7, 2023 – Unfortunately, as Osijek031 reports, the HeadOnEast event has been cancelled on Saturday, October 7th, due to increased concentrations of particles in the air, a consequence of the Osijek depot fires.
October 2, 2023 – There is no party in Croatia quite like a Slavonian party. And while the Adriatic slowly winds down, Osijek is the place to be as the fabulous HeadOnEast 2023 returns for its fifth edition.
“And for those who wrongly assume eastern Croatia is only the remnants of war, emigration and economic stagnation, a little bit of reality awaits in the Croatian home of hedonism”. So thought Paul back in 2021, and so is true in 2023.
The Osijek-Baranja Tourist Board again invites all to think about an adventure, an unexpected journey that for many starts around the corner, yet many others travel thousands of kilometers in search for one. All of eastern Croatia came together to introduce the solution to all your hedonistic doubts! Your search has come to an end, feel free to start packing your suitcase. Slavonia and Baranja indeed have what you’re looking for – hidden birthplaces of gastronomic delights, surprising wine experiences, sports and excitement, yet the peace and relaxation you neeed.

In a word or three… HeadOnEast 2023!
For the fifth year in a row, HeadOnEast in Osijek will make the city its most beautiful self, tailored to the needs of every seasoned hedonist. This year, the event is returning to the place where the spirit of hedonism was conceived, its original venue. The Osijek old town, in Croatian known as Tvrđa (the Fortress) is the largest fully preserved baroque composition from the 18th century in Croatia and a category zero monument. The fortress has just had a facelift as well, which helped bring out the stunning features of this eastern Croatian cultural treasure.
The special festival spirit of HeadOnEast combines art, hedonism, play and fun. This year’s edition is taking place at the beginning of the most beautiful month in Slavonia – from October 6 to 8.
For all who have been following us over the past four years, this is a “save the date” invitation to the best party in the east of Croatia. And for those who have not yet headed east – there is still enough time for you to free up your schdeules for a new hedonistic experience that will bring you back to Slavonia and Baranja at least once a year.

During the three days of the festival, the tried and tested venues of Dernek, Vino.grad, Beercuz, InDaSofa, the Vinyl Fair, Osijek Glazboplov, Labos, Kids’ Workshop and more will all be set up to offer the best of Slavonia and Baranja. And when we say that, we don’t mean it lightly. There will be food, beer, wine, music, dance, lightshows, all kinds of art and activities (including sports), concerts, and a few surprises.
In case we haven’t said it enough – trust us, head on east.
For more information follow TCN on Instagram or visit the festival’s official website.