Croatian Tourism Faced With Curious Accommodation Anomaly

Lauren Simmonds

croatian tourism

June the 10th, 2024 – The Croatian tourism sector is currently being faced with one anomaly regarding accommodation. Tourists are now making more and more attempts to contact hosts privately for better rates.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, up to the current part of the year, more than 4.7 million arrivals have been realised across Croatia, which is 7 percent more compared to the same period last year. A marked increase in overnight stays (by 5 percent) has also been duly noticed. The most visited cities in the country thus far are Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Rovinj, Split and Poreč.

“The structure of guests hasn’t been changing dramatically, at least not the moment, however, we’ve felt a slight drop in demand for higher-priced properties, which means that guests have become more cautious.

An anomaly is occurring more and more frequently. Would-be tourists find a property they like on the various online platforms then try to call the owner directly. They do this in an attempt to achieve a slightly better price, because they know that the online platform takes a large slice of the proverbial cake in this business. Guests who make up the entire picture of Croatian tourism are currently in an economic situation where they’re still paying quite a bit of attention to the price,” said tourism consultant Đanino Sučić for Studio 4.

“We don’t know how things will be by the end of this summer season, Germany has entered a recession, or stagnation, and so we’re waiting to see how that will affect German tourists and how it will react on the Croatian market. Germany is a very important emission market for Croatian tourism and we have to be very careful with them as a result of that. German nationals are an indicator of how some other similar markets will perform next year,” said Sučić.


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