Zagreb Smart Traffic Solutions to Drastically Reduce Accidents

Lauren Simmonds

zagreb smart traffic solutions

July the 10th, 2024 – Future Zagreb smart traffic solutions will drastically reduce road accidents, hopefully bringing the number all the way down to zero, according to some.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Josipa Ban writes, by the year 2050, traffic fatalities should be reduced to zero as a result of planned Zagreb smart traffic solutions.

These plans are part of the very ambitious Vision Zero strategy, which is is the goal Zagreb will strive for and what is set out in the National Road Traffic Safety Plan. Although it may sound unrealistic to completely eliminate traffic accidents that end in death or serious injuries, the fact is that this country has a lot of room to reduce the number of accidents on the roads. That was echoed by the participants of a recently held meeting called “Vision Zero – safe, smart and sustainable mobility”.

The goal of this meeting, which is being held for the second time, is to draw the public’s attention to the key challenges and technological opportunities available in order to get closer to the Vision Zero concept, especially ahead of the large influx of traffic into the country each and every summer tourist season.

Two panels discussed how to ensure a better implementation of the Vision Zero strategy, i.e. a reduced number of fatalities on Croatian roads, and how technological solutions can contribute to increasing driving safety.

Plenty of emphasis was placed on investments, tech and other important solutions to make the traffic situation and the roads more safe.

“We have to start thinking more intensively about the steps that are crucial in the prevention of traffic accidents”, said Vladimir Nišević.

Andro Pavuna, head of the Zagreb City Office for Local Self-Government, Transport, Civil Protection and Security, said that he believes that the Zagreb smart traffic solutions envisioned as part of the Vision Zero concept can be achieved.

“Three key things will be crucial for this. These are prevention, infrastructure and supervision over the implementation and compliance with the rules,” stated Pavun, adding that technology will also play a big role in achieving Vision Zero’s goals.

It’s exactly this that the powers that be in the Croatian capital plan to implement as part of a proper Zagreb smart traffic solution. It involves the implementation of a project involving automatic or adaptive traffic management. Pavuna announced that they are currently finishing the tender for the project, which in its very first phase will be worth 13 million euros. A public procurement procedure announcement is therefore expected soon. It should enable a whole range of Zagreb smart traffic solutions, as all of the city’s traffic lights will be connected to one central place. This, in turn, will enable significantly better and more efficient traffic management.

“This is a very valuable project that we’ve phased and which will contribute to overall traffic safety in the capital city,” concluded Pavuna.


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