Oleg Butković: ”After Pelješac Bridge, There’ll be Motorway to Dubrovnik”

Lauren Simmonds

Could we finally see a motorway to Dubrovnik?

As Dubrovacki Dnevnik writes on the 2nd of June, 2018, in an interview for Jutarnji list, the Minister of Maritme Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, Oleg Butković, announced plans for a project to build a motorway to Croatia’s most popular and southernmost destination, Dubrovnik.

“Given the debt in the road sector, the construction of the motorway has been going a bit slower, but that’s understandable,” stated Butković.

The minister emphasised the need for the Adriatic-Ionian corridor to be connected, but that it’s difficult to predict when that could finally come to fruition.

There was also talk about the construction of the much anticipated Pelješac Bridge.

“The difficulties are behind us, we’ve secured the funds and the contractor has been selected. The contractor is in the process of preparing to start work on research and on all of the other contractual activities, Croatian roads (Hrvatske ceste) have chosen a serious contractor and after three years we’ll have one of the most beautiful bridges in Europe. The next phases are continuing, such as the construction of access roads on the bridge from the land and from Pelješac’s side, the tender is worth about 400 million kuna the offer will be given in over the coming days. The call for the tenders for the third and fourth phases are expected by the end of this year,” said Butković.


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