Lauren Simmonds

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Can You Speak Like a Purger? The Zagreb Dialect Explored

Lauren Simmonds

The first thing to point out about the Zagreb dialect is that not all residents of the capital and its ...

Croatian Trains Made You Late? Here’s How to Get Compensation

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, owing to maintenance works being carried out at this moment in time on the railway section from ...

Owing to Filming in Zagreb, Certain Roads to be Blocked Yet Again

Lauren Simmonds

Owing to the filming of the likes of high speed car chase scenes, some roads are going to be off ...

Croatian Cafe Charging Extra for People to Sit by Outdoor Heaters

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, one Croatian cafe in Zagreb wants extra if you plan to be sitting and drinking your (probably) ...

A Week in Croatian Politics – Gas, Energy Drinks, Hospitals and Milanovic

Lauren Simmonds

MEP Biljana Borzan (SDP) thinks the Health Ministry and the Croatian Government should ban the sale of potentially dangerous energy ...

Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Second Croatian Glovo Express Store Opens Doors in Zagreb

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Glovo, one of the world’s leading applications for the delivery of multiple categories of products, including ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

100 Million Kuna Makarska Apfel Arena to Open Doors Tomorrow

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Crnjak writes, the Makarska Apfel Arena sports and cultural centre, known as a socially responsible business project, will ...

Photo: Grgo Jelavic/PIXSELL

Speaking Ragusan – The Dubrovnik Subdialect Explored

Lauren Simmonds

Standard Croatian is complicated enough for the vast majority of people, but what about all of the different dialects? Put ...

Photo: Ivo Cagalj/PIXSELL

Roads, Laws, Alcohol and Car Rentals – How to Drive in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

People always laugh at me when I go on about how good Croatian roads are, but they really, really are. ...

IMF Predictions Not Fantastic, What Awaits Croatian Economy?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the main problem that is currently being experienced on a huge scale is that this current ...