Lauren Simmonds

Property in Croatia: House and Apartment Prices Fluctuate

Lauren Simmonds

Questions about property in Croatia are common, and while the prices vary dramatically in various regions of the country, with ...

Driving in Zagreb: Traffic Chaos to Follow Roundabout Closure?

Lauren Simmonds

Driving in Zagreb comes with both ease and difficulties, unlike the along the coast, the time of year rarely causes ...

Pavle Strugar, War Criminal Who Shelled Dubrovnik, Dies in Belgrade

Lauren Simmonds

Pavle Strugar, the war criminal who shelled Dubrovnik, causing not only wanton destruction and horrific damage to the UNESCO World ...

Amanresorts Cavtat: Most Luxurious Tourist Project in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Greek investor Petros Stathis has been visiting numerous institutions in order to complete the most luxurious tourist project in the ...

Croatia and the Eurozone: Next Two Years Crucial for Adaptation

Lauren Simmonds

Unlike the United Kingdom, which used an opt-out, one of Croatia’s obligations upon joining the European Union was the eventual ...

Croatian Demographic Picture: Cash for Birth in Least Populated Municipality

Lauren Simmonds

There can be no denying that Croatia’s overall demographic picture is grim. An astonishing amount of people have left, mainly ...

Robotics in Croatia: Osijek Startup Has First Croatian Industrial Robot

Lauren Simmonds

Robotics in Croatia is a growing trend, with the constant advancement of technology and innovation, Croatia is putting both feet ...

Americans Approve Sale of Israeli Aircraft to Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

After some controversy and a lot of back and forth by all involved parties, it seems the situation with the ...

Economic Boost for Croatia: Country to Gain Huge Tea Factory

Lauren Simmonds

As much as people prefer to stick with the depressing stories of there being no jobs, or no workers, or ...

Agrokor: Large Sums for Advisors for Creditor Settlement Success

Lauren Simmonds

As Jadranka Dozan/Poslovni Dnevnik writes on the 12th of December, 2018, with the final approval of the settlement by Agrokor’s ...