Lauren Simmonds

Nin Leads Croatia in Terms of Budget Revenue and Surplus

Lauren Simmonds

Nin leads the way.

Seven Croatian Companies on List of Fastest Growing in Central Europe

Lauren Simmonds

More Croatian companies go from strength to strength!

Company for Works on Krk Bridge Chosen

Lauren Simmonds

The Rijeka-Zagreb Motorway has chosen the best bidder for the very comprehensive job.

Report on Croatian Justice System from Council of Europe Highlights Improvements and Concerns

Lauren Simmonds

While significant improvements have indeed been made, Croatia still has a very long way to go in terms of the ...

America Donates Two Black Hawk UH-60M Military Helicopters to Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

A gift from the other side of the Atlantic.

With 14.9% Sales Growth, IKEA Croatia is Third Best in Europe

Lauren Simmonds

The wildly popular IKEA Croatia continues to operate well.

Many Private Accommodation Owners Not Paying Correct Tourism Fees

Lauren Simmonds

Due to poor controls, as many as 53 percent of those renting out private accommodation to tourists have consistently failed ...

American Entrepreneurs Seek Investment Opportunities in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia is of particular interest to several…

Large Tourism Investment Coming to Novigrad

Lauren Simmonds

An enormous investment cycle will bring Novigrad to the forefront.

Croatian Coat of Arms Slips From Frame, Reveals Image of Tito

Lauren Simmonds

History has a weird way of showing up again, framed or otherwise.