Lauren Simmonds

Eurodiesel Prices Highest Ever in Croatian History

Lauren Simmonds

An undesirable fuel price hike has left Croatia’s drivers somewhat disgruntled.

Ophthalmologist Sailing from Šibenik to Brazil Conquers Italian Coast!

Lauren Simmonds

The journey so far hasn’t been without its problems, but the sailor goes on!

Croatia’s Employment Situation Causes Raised Eyebrows

Lauren Simmonds

Croatia’s employment situation is as paradoxical as other parts of life here, with so many out of work, and so ...

Seven Stars Awarded to Croatia Airlines!

Lauren Simmonds

Of the other airlines flying into Croatia, Ryanair and Norwegian both received a lower than four star rating.

From Fountains to Squares, Bandić’s Bitter Taste Lingers

Lauren Simmonds

The redesign of one much-loved Zagreb square makes it look like the Instagram logo from above, and Zagreb’s residents aren’t ...

Escape Room Coming to Zadar!

Lauren Simmonds

Are you ready to revisit the horrors of the First World War?

New Investments as Crodux Expands Business, Opens New Fuel Stations

Lauren Simmonds

New investments for Crodux as a welcome expansion of business is announced.

Consequences of Pelješac Fire: Rocks and Mud Hit Roads

Lauren Simmonds

First fires raged through Peljesac, now the rain is causing issues.

Ministry of Regional Development Sets Aside Cash for Event Organisation

Lauren Simmonds

A welcome boost for events and their organisers across the country.

Labin Company Suddenly Closes After 5 Years of Excellent Business?

Lauren Simmonds

The sudden move has occurred without any notice, and without any explanation whatsoever…