Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s Future Boss, Sberbank’s Maxim Poletaev Reveals Priorities

Lauren Simmonds

What does the future hold for a foreign owned Agrokor?

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Contracts Projects Worth 450 Million Kuna

Lauren Simmonds

They cooperate with Rimac, Končar, and more.

Agrokor Settlement Accepted

Lauren Simmonds

After a gruelling wait, the settlement has been accepted and another significant milestone along Agrokor’s rocky road has been reached.

BiH Prosecution: No Conditions for Mamić’s Extradition to Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

Is Zdravko about to walk away from the flames he lit once again?

Unhappy Slovenians: ”10 Times More Croatian Farms in Savudrija Since Arbitration”

Lauren Simmonds

The neighbours are unhappy, once again.

Top Speed Lists Rimac’s Concept_Two in Review of 2018’s Six Most Important Cars

Lauren Simmonds

It isn’t like Mate Rimac and Rimac Automobili really needed any more praise from the media, but still, it keeps ...

Two Thirds of Companies Find Working in EU Easier Than in Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

While EU membership brings benefits, not everyone feels Croatia is keeping up…

EU Funds Help Zagreb’s New Tourist Offer Impress

Lauren Simmonds

EU funds help Zagreb’s tourism take on a new perspective.

Šibenik Police To Be Helped By Czech, German and Macedonian Police

Lauren Simmonds

As Dubrovnik and Zagreb police get help from China, Šibenik’s police are to be joined by Macedonian, Czech, and German ...

Slovenian State Secretary Supports Ljubljana Based Croatian Startup

Lauren Simmonds

Startup support from next door’s political elite as one Croatian startup which found difficulties setting up at home sees more ...