Lauren Simmonds

croatian politics

This Week in Croatian Politics – Hooligans, Putin & Liberland

Lauren Simmonds

September the 29th, 2023 – This week in Croatian politics, we’ve had everything from Ursula von der Leyen being greeted ...

Šibenik passenger terminal

Šibenik Passenger Terminal to be Put into Function Soon

Lauren Simmonds

September the 28th, 2023 – A brand new Šibenik passenger terminal is set to be put into function next year, ...

croatian fentanyl abuse

Croatian Fentanyl Abuse Snuffs Out Two Lives

Lauren Simmonds

September the 28th, 2023 – You’ve most likely read about the devastating fentanyl epidemic in the USA and in an ...

croatian national holiday

Could World Tourism Day Become Croatian National Holiday?

Lauren Simmonds

September the 28th, 2023 – There’s many a Croatian national holiday, but could another one end up being added to ...

new podravka factory

New Podravka Factory Worth Over 15 Million Euros on Cards

Lauren Simmonds

September the 28th, 2023 – A brand new Podravka factory worth between fifteen and seventeen million euros is on the ...

croatian mplus group

Croatian Mplus Group Enters E-Commerce World

Lauren Simmonds

September the 28th, 2023 – The Croatian Mplus Group (Grupa) is entering the challenging and competitive world of e-commerce. As ...

mila gojsalic

The Croatian Legend of Mila Gojsalic

Lauren Simmonds

September the 27th, 2023 – Croatia abounds in myths and legends, and one of the most popular is that of ...

croatian dog beaches

Five Favourite Croatian Dog Beaches – Dalmatia

Lauren Simmonds

September the 25th, 2023 – While transporting your four-legged friend with you across Europe to Croatia has never really been ...

dugi otok shipwreck

Is Dugi Otok Shipwreck Hiding 1980’s Secret?

Lauren Simmonds

September the 23rd, 2023 – One Dugi Otok shipwreck is very interesting. It isn’t that it is ancient, beautiful or ...

croatian jgl

Croatian JGL Presents 53 Million Euro Investment

Lauren Simmonds

September the 23rd, 2023 – The Croatian JGL Pharma Valley has presented a massive investment totalling 53 million euros. Owing ...