Lauren Simmonds

Investment in Tourism: Kupari To Get Billion Kuna Luxury Resort

Lauren Simmonds

The long since neglected Dubrovnik riviera resort is set to finally get a make over of grand proportions.

The French Connection: New Flights from France to Croatia in 2018!

Lauren Simmonds

The French are coming!

Chart of Wealth and Poverty Across Europe – Where Does Croatia Fit In?

Lauren Simmonds

With all the talk about the ups and (often dramatic) downs of economics in Croatia, it can be difficult to ...

26th Anniversary of Barbaric JNA Attack – Dubrovnik Marks Day of Defenders

Lauren Simmonds

26 years have passed since the horrendous attack on the Pearl of the Adriatic at the hands of the JNA ...

Todorić: Ante Ramljak’s Charges Against Me Have Nothing To Do With Reality

Lauren Simmonds

According to Agrokor’s ex boss, the government appointed extraordinary commissioner’s accusations don’t hold water…

Feeling Cultured? Visit Stjepko Mamić’s Exhibition – Odyssey II

Lauren Simmonds

Fancy soaking up a bit of culture when in Dubrovnik?

PHOTOS: Croatian Air Force Mounts Cannon Replica on Lovrijenac

Lauren Simmonds

A dose of history today as the Croatian Air Force mounts a replica cannon with enormous historical significance on Lovrijenac ...

Plenković: ”Dubrovnik Can Be Example To Others”

Lauren Simmonds

Andrej Plenković sings the Pearl of the Adriatic’s praises.

Croatia: From 3rd Richest to 2nd Poorest of New EU Members

Lauren Simmonds

Research from the Economic Institute in Zagreb and the University of Dubrovnik brings with it some interesting findings…

Republika Srpska Searching for Ex HVO Members via Interpol

Lauren Simmonds

Interpol might not even accept the warrants.