Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik: Homemade and Healthy Produce Fair Begins on Monday!

Lauren Simmonds

If local produce is your thing, Dubrovnik is the place to be next week.

Agrokor’s Creditors Can Count on About 35% Debt Repayment, Write Offs Inevitable

Lauren Simmonds

Moody’s estimates that Agrokor’s creditors can expect anything from a 35% to a 65% return, with inevitable debt write offs.

First Agrokor Commission Meeting: Orsat Miljenić Invites Todorić

Lauren Simmonds

The very first preparatory session for the Investigative Committee for Agrokor has drawn two conclusions…

Ivica Todorić Publishes His ”Truth About Agrokor”

Lauren Simmonds

The ex Agrokor boss takes to his blog once again in light of new findings….

Ante Gotovina Celebrates 62nd Birthday

Lauren Simmonds

Happy birthday, Ante Gotovina!

SDP’s Gordan Maras ”Invites” Todorić to First Session of Commission for Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

The somewhat outspoken Maras appeared petty to some…

What is Ramljak’s Next Move and What Can Agrokor’s Creditors Expect?

Lauren Simmonds

What can Agrokor’s creditors expect after reviewing the business books of Croatia’s largest private company?

European Union: Additional 10 Million Euros for European Islands

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for Europe’s islands!

A Calm Season: Dubrovnik Remains Among Safest Destinations in World

Lauren Simmonds

The Pearl of the Adriatic has rightly upheld its status as one of the safest destinations in the world.

Confused by Agrokor Situation? 5 Facts Uncovered in Last Few Days

Lauren Simmonds

Feeling a bit confused?