Lauren Simmonds

Albanians Hack Official Website of City of Dubrovnik?

Lauren Simmonds

Have Albanian hackers targeted Dubrovnik?

Next Year: Increased Flights from London to Dubrovnik with Jet2

Lauren Simmonds

The popular British airline Jet2 will boost its Dubrovnik – London line in summer 2018.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres Arrives in Split

Lauren Simmonds

An incredibly busy weekend in Split greets the UN Secretary General.

Dubrovnik Locals Create Facebook Group: Block Taxi Stands!

Lauren Simmonds

Irritated Dubrovnik locals take a stand against ”taxi terror”

Ivan Orehovac: I’ll Build a New ”Microsoft” in Croatia!

Lauren Simmonds

Ivan Orehovac is currently working on an independently developed smart management system for the most popular photo sharing app on ...

Amendments to the Law: Jail for Bandić and Mamić?

Lauren Simmonds

Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Act (CPC) came into force this week, could Milan Bandić and Zdravko Mamić be in ...

Dubrovnik Airport Director on Uber Protest: This is Inadmissible

Lauren Simmonds

It seems the message that taxi drivers were trying to get across with their protest has backfired, and rather miserably…

Long Border Queues: Ivanica, Neum, Karasovići, Vitaljina

Lauren Simmonds

Thinking of setting off early to avoid the wait? HAK alludes that it won’t make a difference…

Dubrovnik’s Politicians Agree: Roads Not the Place to Seek Justice

Lauren Simmonds

Frankovic gave a statement earlier today, but what do Dubrovnik’s other prominent public political figures think to the protests against ...

Ivica Smoljko of Plavi Taxi: We Apologise, But We Have No Choice!

Lauren Simmonds

Could the chairman of Dubrovnik’s Plavi Taxi operator offer any clarity on the ongoing situation between Uber and Croatia’s taxi ...