
Bruno Radotić and Petar Čavlović.

Cycling Tourism Development in Inland Dalmatia – Split Hinterland Presented in Dugopolje

Daniela Rogulj

As a selective form of high value-added tourism, cycling tourism is one of the fastest-growing niches in the tourism industry. ...

Monika Vrgoc

PHOTOS: Eco Action to Clean Illegal Landfills on Our Lady of Sinj Trail

Daniela Rogulj

Organized by the City of Sinj, the Sinj Tourist Board, and members of BK Vlaji, PD Svilaja, NOPD Koćari, HGSS ...

Sinj Tourist Board Presents New Brochure in Our Lady of Sinj’s Honor

Daniela Rogulj

The new edition of the brochure, based on the previous two editions from 1998 and 2008, with the original text ...

PHOTOS: Environmental Cleanup of Illegal Landfills in Sinj Area

Daniela Rogulj

At the initiative of the members of the speleological section of the Sv. Jakov – Bitelić Mountaineering Society, an ecological ...

Monika Vrgoc

VIDEO: Unique Christmas Tree Decorated Inside Pit on Vrdovo

Daniela Rogulj

December 21, 2020 – Organized by members of the Speleo section of the Sv. Jakov Mountaineering Society from Bitelić, on Saturday, ...

An Advent Message from the Sinj Tourist Board

Daniela Rogulj

December 4, 2020 – An Advent message from the Sinj Tourist Board.  On Sunday we lit the first Advent candle, ...

Ivan Alebic

Take a Virtual Walk through Our Lady of Sinj Sanctuary and Sinj Town

Daniela Rogulj

November 17, 2020 – The Sinj Tourist Board, in cooperation with the City of Sinj, the Our Lady of Sinj ...


VIDEO: Virtually Experience Traditional Pottery from Potravlje!

Daniela Rogulj

October 29, 2020 – At the foot of Svilaja, close to Lake Peručko, lies the picturesque village of Potravlje, the ...

Monika Vrgoc

Cycle Croatia Team Leading Bike Tour through Cetina Region

Daniela Rogulj

October 15, 2020 – After a successful presentation in June when members of the Cycle Croatia expert team hosted a free ...

Monika Vrgoc

Sinj Tourist Board Announces Active Autumn in Cetina Region

Daniela Rogulj

October 14, 2020 – A look at the many reasons why you should visit Sinj and the Cetina region this ...