

Vrgorac Christmas Gathering in Pictures

Total Croatia News

Although, Vrgorac people are (among other things) well known for their very special young wine/goat milk mixture, called Bikla, which ...

Are You Ready for the 16th Biklijada?

Total Croatia News

This year´s Bikla Days will take place on the first weekend in October at the playgraound of the Vrgorac elementary ...

Grape Harvest in Zavojane (Vrgorac)

Total Croatia News

It is the time of the year for getting out to the fields. In Vrgorac, the grape harvest has begun ...

Vrgorac Featured in a New Brochure Financed by EU Funds

Total Croatia News

A new brochure – Rural Tourism in Biokovo and the Surrounding Areas features several local businesses from Vrgorac at the ...

Vrgorac from the Air – New Video by Stipe Božić

Total Croatia News

A new video made by Stipe Božić with unique footage from the air at Vrgorac and its most famous accommodation ...

Veliki Godinj will Come Alive Again this Saturday

Total Croatia News

For the 9th time this year, Veliki Godinj (part of the Rašćane village) will host the Days of Tradition and ...

Festival of World Travellers in Vrgorac this Weekend

Total Croatia News

For the first time this year a rather interesting festival will take place in Vrgorac – Festival of Adventurers “Mate ...

Exhibition at the Tin Ujevic Tower in Vrgorac

Total Croatia News

The birth place of the famous Croatian poet Tin Ujević is turned into an gallery, as Vrgorac artists exhibit there ...