After 100 Years, a New Chapter for Hotel Jadran in Jelsa?

Total Croatia News

These are potentially very exciting times for Jelsa, a destination which was named as the best in all of former Yugoslavia in 1983, and which has been underperforming for years. 

A combination of factors suggests that perhaps finally the situation is set for change. A new waterfront, new breakwaters, an expansion of the town’s sailing capacity, a direct seaplane connection bringing downtown Split just 15 minutes from coffee of Jelsa’s charming Pjaca, all these give cause for optimism. 

But the biggest complaint is always – hotels, hotels, hotels. Where are the quality hotels?

Hotel Jadran opened in 1911, a symbol of the longevity of Jelsa’s tourism, whose 100th anniversary went uncelebrated in 2011. Now in ruins, are things set for a change, with a boutique hotel in a prime, prime location, with indoor and outdoor pool. 

Some architect’s drawing. For all serious enquiries for more information, contact us on  


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