After 14 years of living in Jelsa dreaming of Thai food, my absolute favourite of all foods, just when I am away on business in Zagreb, along comes a weekend of… Thai food. You couldn’t script it.
Another fabulous intiative from the fabulous people at U Smokve, who have captured many hearts – and perhaps even more stomachs – since opening their innovative and healthy eatery this summer. There was just a small window to close the restaurant and get married, before reopening and giving the people and visitors of Jelsa something which it has desperately needed – somewhere to go and eat through the winter. Open six days a week (closed Monday), rarely has a new place become such a hit in a town, and the owners attention to the needs of their guests is commendable. And innovative.
There is a chance – just a chance – that I can make it back in time for dinner on Sunday night, the final night of three where two Thai menus are on offer – loving prepared from recipes perfected in northern Thailand – see below (Google Translate is your friend).
If you are on the island this weekend, please support this initiative. The difference a few committed people such as the team at U Smokve is considerable, and successful events such as this lead to more successful events, which lead to… you get the picture.
Menu and a little more in Croatian. Follow and contact U Smokve via Facebook.
Thai menu 1
-Juha s curryem i kokosovim mlijekom
-Pad Thai tofu
-Sticky rice banana
Thai menu 2
-Spring rolls
-Piletina u umaku od ananasa
-Sticky rice banana
Nakon što smo većinu naših suotočana ispratili na daleka putovanja, ne preostaje nam ništa drugo nego donijeti daleke krajeve nama koji ovu zimu provodimo na otoku!
Stoga se opasno spremamo za opasno dobar vikend menu (petak,subota,nedjelja), s receptima koje smo naučili pripremati na tečaju kuhanja u samom srcu sjevernog Thailanda.
Rezervirajte svoje mjesto za ovaj vikend i pripremite se na tropsku klimu -U smokve
Radno vrijeme:
Svaki dan od 16:00 do 01:00
Vikendom smo cijeli dan, a ponedjeljak je day off.