The View from above Paradise: A Video Tour of the Peak of Hvar

Total Croatia News

People told me that when I went to start our latest project in Munich that I would immediately miss the sun of Dalmatia. I smiled, convinced I would not. For I am a Manchester boy, born in the rain and used to the rain, but as snow fell in my Bavarian garden and my Skype video chats with the girls back in Jelsa were against the backdrop of glorious Hvar sunshine, I will confess to missing the warmth a little. 

And then on Saturday, I returned to Split via a flight from Zagreb. The capital was cold, grey and foggy, a little over freezing, but when I walked out of the airport, there were the trademark blue Dalmatian skies, and a rather pleasant temperature of 15. Morning coffee today on the square in Jelsa was in short sleeves of course, and all is well with the world. 

I am catching up with a little Hvar blogging now, and there are some rather fine things that I have missed in recent days, starting off with this great little drone video from above the peak of the island of Hvar, Sveti Nikola some 621 metres above sea level. If you have never seen the view above Paradise before, check out the video below. 


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