

International Handball Training Camp Balic-Metlicic 2016 – Applications Open

Total Croatia News

It will be the 9th year in a row for the Handball Training Camp Balić-Metličić to take place in Jelsa ...

Official Tourist Board Promotion: Hvar is a Mundane Tourist Destination

Total Croatia News

Ah language. It is a thing that can unite, a thing that can divide. And a thing where it is ...

Saturday Night Fever: Live Tamburasi at Artichoke in Jelsa

Total Croatia News

Where to find winter fun on the island of Hvar?  With many places closed, much of the entertainment is privately ...

And Now Hvar Culture Invades Venice: Fishermen’s Conversations at Venice Arthouse Film Week

Total Croatia News

For centuries they came from Venice to Hvar, imposing their rule, traditions and culture, the marks of which are still ...

Useless Lists About Hvar: 9 Facts to Impress Your Mates

Total Croatia News

Lists, lists, lists. The Internet is full of them. The 5 best, the 10 not to miss, the 20 before ...

Learning Croatian: Dalmatia’s Finest (and Shortest) Conversation

Total Croatia News

A few years ago I was standing in a long queue at the bank in Jelsa (not for the first, ...


An Historic Day: The End of Christmas and a Chat with Jelsa’s new Tourist Board Director

Total Croatia News

The last time I blogged about having a coffee on the main square in Jelsa, it was one of the ...

Defining a Destination: 9 Amazing Things Unique to Split

Total Croatia News

The world is getting smaller, and the thirst for unique experiences is getting stronger. In the modern social media age, ...

Kratke Rukave: Why Short Sleeves in the Bura is Best

Total Croatia News

I love the bura, that piercing northern wind that seems to send every local running for cover and hiding in ...

Why Does Hvar Have No Official Tourist Promo Video?

Total Croatia News

I was asked an interesting question by an international journalist at the weekend, the latest one I am helping arrange ...