
Taking the Ferry in 1969 – Would you Dare?

Total Croatia News

I hear people complaining about the ferries.   I mean, I am not a regular at Jadrolinija, so those full ...

An Unusual (And My Favourite EVER) Christmas Card Arrives in Jelsa

Total Croatia News

I don’t get much mail of the traditional postal variety, apart from bills, bills and yet more bills, and it ...


Christmas Lasts Longer in Jelsa – Christmas Concert of the Choir on January 10th

Total Croatia News

While some of us might have already put the Christmas decoration away, the last Christmas celebration in Jelsa took place ...

No More Emergency Medical Helicopter for Dalmatia from Tomorrow

Total Croatia News

As of Saturday January 9, 2016, there will be no more emergency medical helicopter service (EMHS) for islands and Inland ...

Another Hvar Flea Market next Saturday

Total Croatia News

From our inbox – an invitation from Paula for the second Flea Market in Hvar town – Hvar Bazar:   ...


Sustainable Island Association Calling to Forestation Action – UbodiBor

Total Croatia News

A new announcement from the Sustainable Island Association lead by the young Irena Dorić, whose enthusiasm seems to contagious. At ...

Last Century Stories about Croatia and Italy: Story of Puse – Part II

Total Croatia News

We bring you another part of the excerpts from the book about Puse. Please note, these translations are non-edited and ...

stari grad sewage

Stari Grad Waters Cleaner than Ever

Total Croatia News

An article at Slobodna Dalmacija informs about the latest sewage system developments in Stari Grad.   Since the “Hvarski Vodovod” ...

arheolosko istrazivanje hvar 261215

The (Very) Old Hvar Exposed: Research has Revealed a Rich History Dating back to the 1st century

Total Croatia News

An article at Slobodna Dalmacija from January 5, 2016 informs about the recent archeological explorations done at the Arsenal in ...


The Hvar First New Year’s Day Swim in Pictures

Total Croatia News

A new tradition started with the first day of the 2016. A beautiful sunny day with 10 people diving in ...