
Konoba Stare Grede: A Carnivore’s Heaven

Total Croatia News

I can’t tell you how many times I have passed Stare Grede with an urge to go in, but all ...

Learn Dalmatian. It is Easy. 6 Essential Phrases

Total Croatia News

Learning Croatian is not easy for foreigners.  Learning the local language in Dalmatia is even harder. Or is it? Having ...

Hvar Museum Night 2013: Meet Ivan Frano Biundović

Total Croatia News

January 25 is Museum Night across the whole of Croatia. Find out what is happening in Hvar Town.

Hvar Town, Just a Very Chilled Place to Hang Out. Nice Video!

Total Croatia News

The final in the series of videos by PlacesOfInterest – a very relaxed Hvar Town. Now I am ready for ...

Kantun Paulina: 37 years of Ćevapčići in Split

Total Croatia News

Kantun means ‘corner’ in Croatian; Paulina’s Corner is located in the Varoš neighborhood parallel to the Marmontova shopping street. This take-away ...

Souvenir Shopping in Split: 10 Dalmatian Gifts to Take Home

Total Croatia News

  As a holiday draws to a close, thoughts turn to buying souvenirs for loved ones back home. So what ...

A Visit to the Zoo in Split

Total Croatia News

The zoo in Split will not win any international awards for Zoo of the Year. Indeed, it is one of ...

Museums in Split: The Split City Museum

Total Croatia News

Part of Split’s rich heritage is preserved in the splendid Papalić Palace, home to the Split City Musuem. The museum’s origins ...

Museums in Split: The Mestrovic Gallery

Total Croatia News

Arguably Croatia’s greatest ever sculptor, the name of Ivan Meštrović is synonymous with Split, and his presence is all over the ...


More Norwegian Routes to Split (and Some Schedule Changes)

Total Croatia News

The excellent Aerofly Croatia website has the latest updates on flights to the Dalmatian coast this summer. Three recent additions: ...