
Sex on Hvar: Local Prostitutes Disappoint Tourists
While we try and cover all aspects on Hvar on this site, sometimes it takes the penetrating insight of a ...

Tom Cruise Goes Walkabout in Hvar Town
A treat for the ladies of Hvar Town last night, as a certain American actor popped in for a drink.

Donkeys, Powering Hvar Tourism for More than 50 Years
The inclusion of the donkey race at the Jelsa Wine Festival represents a long tourism tradition with the island’s four-legged ...

Beach of the Week: 18. Šćedro
Continuing our look at the beaches of Hvar in pictures, we make the short journey south to the idyllic island ...

What Did Hvar Town Look Like in 1882?
Hvar Town is one of Croatia’s most beautiful towns, and it has expanded over the years. Imagine what it must ...
Last Minute Accommodation IS Still Available
The latest insightful shot from our emerging paparazzo, Ante Lacman, from Hvar Tours.

Beach of the Week: 16. Ždrilca
Continuing our pictorial look at the beaches of Hvar, today we head back to the paradise of the Pakleni Islands ...
Restaurant of the Day: Villa Dinka in Hvar Town
Some great value diving just above Hotel Amfora, with stunning views and a welcome breeze to match.

Higgs Boson Lecture by CERN Team Member in Hvar Town Tomorrow
Calling all scientists. A fascinating lecture on Higgs boson and the CERN project awaits tomorrow evening by Professor Nikola Godlinovic ...