Boranka Volunteer Reforestation Campaign Presented Near Zadar

Total Croatia News

Last week, the second year of activities for the Boranka volunteer campaign was announced in a press conference near Zadar.

As we reported in 2018, Boranka is the most prominent volunteer reforestation campaign, taking place in Dalmatia on the land that was destroyed in forest fires which happen regularly in Croatia during the summer. It was started last year primarily by the Croatian Scouts Association, in cooperation with Croatian Forests and the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS). During its inaugural year, it got together over two and a half thousand volunteers, regenerating the forests around Split and Solin during eight weekends of work, using 25 thousand young trees.

The press conference announcing the “new season” of the very successful campaign was announced at the nursery garden Piket, in Zemunik Donji near Zadar. That piece of information is probably enough to understand what the most important news regarding this year’s Boranka campaign is: it’s coming to Zadar County! After the press conference, the journalists took a tour of the nursery garden, which will supply all of the young trees used in this year’s reforestation campaign. This year, the organizers are planning to plant over 40 thousand trees in Split-Dalmatia and Zadar counties, and include over 4000 volunteers.

The campaign also has an educational aspect, as many lectures and educations on the importance of forests, nature preservation, fire prevention, and climate change have been organized in preschools and schools in Dalmatia, attended by over 5000 children. There’s also a creative part of the campaign, and you can learn more about how you can participate at the campaign’s website, and to join as a volunteer, email

Four weekends have been announced for this year, as follows:

  • October 5, 6 – Split (Žrnovnica)
  • October 12, 13 – Solin (Kučine)
  • October 26, 27 – Split (Sitno Gornje)
  • November 9, 10 – Zadar (Kožino)


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