Croatian Naive Style Easter Eggs Displayed in Centre of Mainz

Srecko Mavrek

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Hrvatska kulturna zajednica Mainz

April the 10th, 2023 – Residents of Mainz, the capital of the German Federal State of Rhinenland-Palatinate, recently received an unexpected surprise directed by the Croatian Cultural Community of Mainz. At three key locations (the Theodor-Heuss bridge, on Liebfrauenplatz and Schillerplatz), an equal number of beautiful, gigantic Easter eggs, painted in a recognizable Croatian naive style, appeared.

These Easter eggs are the artwork of Željko Kolarek, Zlatko Štrfiček, Branko Matina, Ljerka Tropšek, Josip Gregurić, Radovan Grgec, Radmila Bošnjak and Zlatko Kolarek. The Easter eggs that decorate the center of Mainz are made of Plexiglas, each one is 2.05 meters high, one and a half meters wide, and together with the stand weighs as much as 120 kilograms.

“It required a lot of commitment, but it was worth every effort. Pisanica really attract attention, many citizens stop and take photos of them, so it turns out that this is a great way to present Croatian tradition”, said Jasna Ačkar, head of the Mainz Croatian Cultural Community.

Photo 1 Croatian Cultural Community Mainz

These three Easter eggs are only part of the initiative of the Croatian cultural community of that city. Their members personally painted numerous Easter eggs, which they distributed yesterday dressed in traditional Croatian costumes and in the presence of their honorary president, Katica Vraneša, on Liebfrauenplatz. Easter eggs are a great way to present the Croatian tradition of painting Easter eggs. The Croatian Cultural Community Mainz caught the attention of the citizens of Mainz in the action of handing out Easter Easter eggs next to large painted Easter eggs. Many Croats and their friends beautified this event with their presence”, and this “Easter initiative” is just one of the projects in a series of connecting partner cities – Zagreb and Mainz.

Photo 2 Croatian Cultural Community Mainz

Photo 4 Croatian Cultural Community Mainz

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