Meet Croatia’s Female Entrepreneurs: Danijela Balikic from Orange Green

Total Croatia News


May 31, 2018 – Continuing our look at the female entrepreneurs of Croatia, meet Danijela Balikic. All I can say is that I felt quite breathless when I got to the end of this interview. A very inspirational young lady.

1. For our international readers, introduce yourself

Have you met Danijela Balikic who wants to make you live happier and healthier? 🙂 

I have been described as a: Superwoman that shifts the Universe as an Innovator, Explorer and Soul Toucher. I have also been told that my ideas and work are: visionary and borderline crazy…(thank you) 🙂  

It is always wonderful to be underestimated. I will never apologize for being a strong woman. Life has knocked me down a few times; it showed me things I never wanted to see. I experienced sadness and failures. But one thing for sure, I always get up. Since I turned 50 years old last year, I am freeing people of the concern that I am too old. Too old?? I’m just getting started. 


Do you know that the average life expectancy is at the threshold of about 85 years? Together with a great team, I am building the Innovation Company in primary preventive healthcare – Orange & Green that has its own production of the International Gold medal awarded dietary supplement pills IMUNOALFA – created with goat and horse milk with 5 additional Mediterranean herbs, which boosts the Immune system and prevents allergies. 

Our Innovation Company Orange & Green is focused on our natural/organic products that help people stay healthy and active for a longer time. That is why we developed the unique: MY CAPPS – Your own personalized dietary supplement based on your unique profile – awarded an International silver medal for the Innovation concept. It is based on the App which calculates your uploaded health data and info about your habits, with several hundred different formulations that are anticipated for the final selection of a unique algorithmic formula that picks the optimal vitamins, minerals and herbs specially designed and bottled for you. Shipped to you for free.

With My Capps we are part of the PIONEER family in Vienna, where we were last week with an exclusive invitation as 1 of the Top500 Start-Ups in the world. We are also in their T0P 100 in the world for Healthcare. 

What we have been working on long hours in these past months was the need and belief to improve our concept. No matter that we won an International silver medal award for the innovation concept: MY CAPPS. We failed many times in the creation of this addition. We are proud to call him: Stanley. Stanley is a “health printer”(robot) connected to the app MY CAPPS.  Stanley works on the principle of a printer that has its own specialized cartridge. It has several cartridges and each cartridge is full of specific vitamins/minerals/herbs/ supplements. Stanley has his own algorithms that are interacting with My Capps the App software and Stanley is the central software that creates the personalized bottled supplement. Stanley will be extremely easy to handle. No additional medical or technical knowledge is required. Stanley will be able to connect to Health Clinics, Laboratories, sport clubs and athletes, etc.

In May this year, Pioneers hosted their famous Event at the Hofburg Palace. There, all 3 days, till late in the evening we had wonderful formal and informal meetings, talks and meals with interesting people from around the world that are more then ready to support  me. 

One of the things, many of them liked that through my company Orange & Green, we are at the forefront of high social responsibility with our AIM’S Fund. Anita’s Inspiration Movement, devoted to my daughter Anita. 

2. How did the business start and what were the major obstacles along the way?

Probably like most businesses start – from the need and awakening. 

You see after my daughter Anita died in 2011 I literally switched off all engines.  Till then I was a very successful Life coach, Personal development trainer… well known in Council of Europe, European Commission and as a private consultant with exclusive clients traveling and working in 40 countries/4 Continents. I grew up in the States. Lived in a few countries, got a couple of diplomas … in my “free time” – Fought for women’s and youth rights. Raised my daughters for most of their lives as a single mother… And one day after talking to my daughter Anita (who was 24 at the time) on the phone…she died in an accident. I cannot explain the pain. Physical pain. Even writing this now, I do have a soft tear. You know…a parent should not outlive their child…… Anita was this super powerful determined young woman, studying medicine, full of dreams and hopes, with strength to move mountains. Together with my younger daughter Lydia we were an extremely close loving little family. When Anita died, my brain was on autopilot mode. But, my body was decomposing. Literally. I got really sick. At the worst time of my life, a man fell in love with me and decided to pick me up. Piece by piece. Anđelko, now, my husband and Lydia knew how much I loved to read and learn. But, I stopped at that time. So, they were very persistent and pushed various articles and later books to me: about nutrition, diabetes, cancer (things that I was fighting). Wherever I went I need to carry around goat and horse milk and various herbs…Several times I spilled the milk or the herbs in my bag…Disaster. And one day I thought and said out loud: “Why aren’t there any pills made from goat milk?” So, it took us 1369 days/experiments/regulations…to get Imunoalfa on the Croatian market – pills made out of goat and horse milk with 5 additional Mediterranean herbs. Imunoalfa because of its innovation formula, last year in 2017 received a prestigious award: International Gold medal for innovation because nowhere and no one has invented, created and produced such a product. There is nothing similar to it in the whole world and a Croatian woman created it! J 

With Imunoalfa we are less than a year on the market and we are so happy for the people we are helping! There are hundreds of people giving us feedback about how much Imunoalfa has helped them. Most of these people learned about us through word of mouth and recommendation. I have to admit that sometimes I have happy tears, because my heart is so full of joy and respect towards these loyal customers. Knowing the fact that we are helping people is more satisfying then 3 „mountains of money“. 

I am very proud to say that we have customers throughout the world: Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Pula, Osijek, Požega, Zadar, Dubrovnik, Dublin ,Stockholm, Riga, Vienna, Zurich, Doha, Sarajevo, London, Berlin, Budapest, Chicago, Houston, Boston, Prague, Tallinn and Madrid. 

We have a great relationship with a few Holistic Centers in Europe and with the health store Kredenca Zdravlja from Zagreb. We signed an exclusive contract with Gabbiano Company from Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have more inquiries and are in the process of exporting to: Kosovo, Austria, Estonia, Sweden and Norway. 

Today, we have signed an exclusive contract with Medika and soon Imunoalfa will be in all their pharmacies and also in DM drogerie markt, their specialized OTC (Over the Counter department). Words are not strong enough to explain my pride, joy and excitement. Hard work, discipline and devotion do pay off. 

3. People have told me on many occasions that the perfect combination in life is to live in Croatia and make your money abroad. Do you agree?

Been there, done that. Yes, I agree. Yet, here I am. Guess there is a little sado-mazo in me. Hehehe.  Probably my need to overcome challenges. You know, my American up-breeding works all the time. Tell me something can not be done. Just tell me and watch me do it. Hahaha You know 20 years ago someone dared me to go bungee jumping…of course, I did it. 


4. Let’s talk about the business climate in Croatia, which does not have the best reputation. Give us some positive and some negative.

I’ve lived and worked in several countries and I am used to the work ethic and mentality of how things are done. In many of these countries the civil servants are really there to help you and will do everything that is possible for your life to be easier and for you to quickly finish what you came for. Entrepreneurs are appreciated, respected and given stability.  

Croatia is an old-fashioned country that has too many regulations. Rules are needed and mind you, discipline I have. But, some things like “the administrative stamp” (biljeg) where you need it for who knows what, but the Government office where you are applying does not sell the stamp, so you get out of the line you were in, go outside somewhere find a newsstand and buy the stamp. Return to the office, wait in line again…lose at least half a day…

Once, someone was calling a civil servant while I was in the room waiting for some paperwork…She answers the phone while I am talking to her. The person probably asks her:” What are you doing?” and she answers: “Nothing, I’m at work.”  

It is very modern that you have in almost every city in Croatia, an Institution that advises you about Entrepreneurship, but no one there actually has experience in Entrepreneurship. 

In Croatia, when you come upon a nice, polite and helpful civil servant, bus driver, window clerk…you want to take a selfie with them, praise them publicly… even buy them lunch. This should not be an issue, this should be the usual way of support.  


5. If there were three things that you could change to improve things dramatically, what would they be? 

Wait a minute, where did I leave my magic wand? Hahaha 

Educate, learn, repeat, and transfer knowledge (Meaning teach the people teaching the children and youth). Here lies the key in the education system. It is not about what is in the books and it is not about having grades. Simplicity, technology, awareness.. In the future, many jobs that are now here will not be existing. How will these young people be prepared? I have met some really great teachers in Croatia, things can be done. 

I have been working from a young age and had been given the freedom to have responsibilities. This is also what I taught my daughters and every young person I met. I have worked all sorts of jobs in my life. What I have learned is that there are jobs that you may not like, might not always enjoy. Some jobs just pay the expenses and bills. But, you chose it and it is your responsibility. So, be excellent at whatever you do, when you do it. Whining will get you nowhere. Work has created mankind. 

The human race has not moved forward. Technology has. This needs to improve, rapidly and can be done through various means of formal and non-formal education and learning to the day you die, customized to your age, wishes and needs.  Once, a long time ago, a mentor of mine, said to me: “You know, what use is knowledge if you selfishly keep it only to yourself? If you do not share what you know, what is the point? “Shame on you, if you know something and do not share it with the world!” That is why and how innovation, vision and the big picture, come in handy. J

6. Your advice to foreign entrepreneurs interested in investing in Croatia? And to young local businesswoman who want to try? 

At the Pioneers18 world Event of Top 500 Start-Ups, the exclusive invitation that I got and mentioned before, I decided to give a pitch while standing in line for a coffee. The Investor loved my approach and attitude, he guided me to a person that knows much more about healthcare then he does. We talked for a few hours and great decisions surfaced.  My point being: ask, you never know what can happen if you do not try. 

I strongly believe in Women Power and supporting women of all ages. I will gladly help out. 

7. How do you think the business climate will look in 10 years in Croatia?

Hopefully, there will be a law where the employee gets her/his brutto salary. Weekly would be wonderful (you spend money smarter, when you get a weekly salary). The Employee decides where their savings, health and pension should go and knows at all times how much s/he has.

Lower taxes on several levels and less regulations. There are Municipalities and Governments abroad, that do not have penalty regulations to fine the Entrepreneurs for silly unnecessary regulations. More advisory approach towards Entrepreneurs and not the attitude: “it can’t be done”. “the fine for this is…”.  

Tourism all over the year in various ways. It is not enough to only have the sun, the sea and food. People need organized spending opportunities.  Having local production in the tourism sector and exporting. Made in Croatia and proud of it.

Faster decisions. Quality support for production and exporting. 

You know, when you raise a child sometimes you need to make decisions that the child does not like. If you asked most young children: they would never go to bed and never wash their teeth. But, you find ways to explain to them, for their own good – that they need to. It is not easy. But, it must be done. The same goes for Croatia. No matter, who is in charge, there needs to be an agreed, visible and knowable plan for Croatia…5, 10, 20 year plans for cities, villages and the Country its self. 

8. How has 2013 EU Entry changed business in Croatia?

Mobility is high and a normal process. Traveling is much cheaper and can be easily approached, especially by using the Internet. Croatia is a young democracy and a small beautiful country and is in my opinion at its 40% of being revealed to the world. We still have many to learn. Meaning Europe is our market. Let’s use it. Create and adapt to our needs. 

9. Being an Entrepreneur in Croatia is not easy –  what are the additional challenges experienced by female entrepreneurs in your opinion?

Croatia is a land of opportunity, so is Mozambique. You need to DO the talk, walk the walk. Not give up. Sometimes put your foot down on the ball (speaking in football language) and look out in the field, checking what is happening around you. You run, you shoot. You fall. So what if you fall?! You get up and run and shoot again. All over the world women are finally awakening. Our time is now. 

We are applying again for a Government Grant at Hamag Bicro which I really hope that we will finally get as soon as possible, before summer and not in 4 months. We really need to expand…new machines, new products on the market. We need to employ people. All over the world people are asking for more products from us and we need to deliver our promise and not let them down. 

10. If you knew now back then, would you have decided to go ahead? What was good, what was bad and what would you do differently next time?

The other day, I was pitching to an Investor and I was all passionate, explaining Imunoalfa…our future projects….and he goes: “You are too intelligent. ” I said: “Thank you.” He was surprised and he said with a smile: “People must fear you?” I replied: “Fear is a choice.” He said: “You see what I mean!” J 

Things happen. Life happens. I know what I am talking about. I have a diploma in Pain. 

You look the challenge you are facing, in the eye. Think for 7 seconds, do you want it. If so, go for it. No one that works for a living said: life is easy. If you do every day the same thing in the same way…the same thing in the same way will happen, but if you use small steps towards change, your patience, intuition and passion will get you where you need to be. 

Thank you for your time. 

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