
Photo: Slaven Branislav Babic/PIXSELL

62 Croatian Works of Art Donated to Ukraine

Total Croatia News

“We are giving these works of art to the Ukrainian people with the wish that they ennoble the walls of ...


Sibenik Fires: Owners of Destroyed Houses Get Mobile Homes

Lauren Simmonds

While wildfires break out in Croatia, particularly in Dalmatia, at this time of year almost like clockwork, the human cost ...

100,000 Octopuses Released into Split Waters as Part of Wider Project

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, the Split Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, in cooperation with the Croatian Association for Sport Fishing at Sea, has ...

Fast Split-Osijek Train Arrives Late Because Dispatcher Falls Asleep

Lauren Simmonds

There was another story fairly recently about a train arriving to Zagreb late because the driver simply didn’t bother to ...

Peljesac bridge Screenshot/Morski/Hrvatske ceste (Croatian roads)

Pelješac Bridge Opening Ceremony: New Details Emerge for July 26

Daniela Rogulj

The first car to cross the Pelješac Bridge at the ceremonial opening on July 26 will be the Rimac Nevera, ...

20 Ways Croatia Changed Me in 20 Years: 10. Raising Children

Total Croatia News

As all Dads will tell you, becoming a father is an incredible experience, a journey I could never have envisaged ...

Photo: Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

Eurobarometer: Croatians Trust Traditional Media Most

Total Croatia News

The survey examined media habits, trust in different media sources, and attitudes towards disinformation, the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Media says ...

Image: Pula Film Festival

69th Pula Film Festival Kicks Off

Total Croatia News

The festival will run through 24 July and Croatian Programme includes 10 films, while International Programme has 11 films. President ...

Photo: Jose Alfonso Cussianovich

11th Split Pride Parade Held on Saturday (PHOTOS)

Total Croatia News

As is customary year after year, the city of Split celebrated Pride and Total Croatia News was there to record ...

Croatian Adriatic Now Totally Covered by Meteorological-Oceanographic Buoys

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, the final (more precisely the fifth) meteorological-oceanographic buoy from the State Hydrometeorological Institute (DHMZ) was placed recently at ...