
Dubrovnik is Ready for its Annual Aklapela Festival

Total Croatia News

Dubrovnik will gather best klapa singers for the fifth year in a row

A Horror Movie to be Made in the Former Kumrovec Political School?

Total Croatia News

Kumrovec political school is not the only ruined state property

Prince Charles and Duchess of Cornwall Coming to Croatia on Monday

Total Croatia News

Everything is ready for the royal visit.

Residents of Zagreb Tasting Amazing Croatian Country Produce

Total Croatia News

About 250 exhibitors are taking part at the Croatian Country Produce Fair.

Cafes in Croatia to Accept Poems for Coffee

Lauren Simmonds

Poetry will become accepted as a means of payment across a number of cafes in Croatia later this month.

Exhibition of Contemporary Croatian Art Opens in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Contemporary Croatian artists show their works

Zbog Tebe (Because of You) a Musical Debut for Leona Paraminski

Total Croatia News

What would you do for the person you love? That is the main question after watching this new Croatian movie.

Zara Opens Its Online Shop for Croatia

Total Croatia News

E-Zara has come to those who waited patiently.

Star Wars Episode VIII Filming Begins in Dubrovnik – Stradun Closed for Public

Total Croatia News

New traffic and pedestrian regulations as Stradun becomes “Stardun”

Romulic and Stojcic 4th at ‘Most Beautiful European Stamp 2016’ in Germany

Total Croatia News

More international recognition for TCN’s impressive photo maestros from Osijek.