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Finding Relevant Information As Protection Against Misinformation, Says Minister

Total Croatia News

The minister presented the results of a project held under the motto “Think with your head in the media labyrinth” as ...

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Audio Recording of Hearings Not Certain to make Proceedings Faster, Seminar Hears

Total Croatia News

Addressing the seminar, Kos spoke about the latest changes to the Criminal Procedure Act, including the expanded application of audio recordings ...

Green Future Conference in Split: Learn How to Fund Your Company’s Green Transition

Total Croatia News

The green transition is becoming the backbone of strategic thinking in every single economic activity and industry. Having set the ...

Weekend Bike & Gourmet Tour Combines Cycling, Nature, and Istrian Delicacies

Daniela Rogulj

This two-day recreational bike ride will take place on May 21 and 22 in Rovinj. On each of these two ...

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Average Net Pay in Zagreb in February €1,146

Total Croatia News

Compared to the monthly national average, which amounted to HRK 7,452, the average take-home pay in Zagreb was HRK 1,188 ...

What Will Average Croatian Wage and Pension be in Eurozone?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, when Croatia introduces the euro at the beginning of 2023, the average Croatian wage (net salary) ...

Can Brits Purchase Croatian Property? Yes They Can, Here’s How

Lauren Simmonds

”Can Brits purchase Croatian property?” is a question that I see often, and the answers provided are somewhat vague. Given ...

5+ Years Living in Split: Expats Andy and Cindy Elder from England

Daniela Rogulj

Two idyllic weeks on a Croatian beach is very different from the realities of full-time living. So what is it ...

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Microsoft: Croatia’s Digitisation Level Below Central and Eastern Europe Average

Total Croatia News

The Microsoft digital index, also known as the digital pulse of a country, provides data on the level of digitisation ...

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One in Five Croatian Citizens Eat Meat Everyday

Total Croatia News

According to the survey, 7.6% of respondents eat meat several times a month and 1.6% do so rarely. It also ...