
Image: City of Dubrovnik

Construcion of New Connecting Road in Nova Mokošica Enters Last Phase

Total Croatia News

The project of construction of the connecting road Tamarić in Nova Mokošica entered the last phase before the announcement of ...

Image: Pexels

A Roundup of Inflation in Croatia

Total Croatia News

Inflation trend It was around April 2021 that inflation numbers in Croatia started making headlines. As the world continued to ...

Number of New Cars Registered in Croatia Rises by 17.5 Percent

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, last year, there were 2.38 million registered road vehicles in the Republic of Croatia, which is ...

Could Croatian Inflation Reach Six Percent This Year?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the aforementioned figures in terms of Croatian inflation repesent the highest levels since the summer of 2008, ...

Image: Pixabay

Croatia Records Nearly 500,000 Tourist Nights Over Easter Holidays

Total Croatia News

Foreign tourists accounted for 103,000 arrivals and 412,000 nights, while registered domestic tourists accounted for 31,000 arrivals and 80,000 nights. ...

Mikhail Nilov/Pexels

EMS Workers’ Unions to Prepare Their Proposal for Emergency Medical Aid Law

Total Croatia News

The unionists expressed satisfaction with the meeting and said that they would present their proposal for an emergency medical aid ...

Concern as Medjimurje Bees Dying in Huge Numbers, What’s Happening?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, millions of dead Medjimurje bees, as well as bees from Podravina and Slavonski Gorje, are a massive ...

Croatian Fuel Prices Shoot Up Once Again, Here Are The New Costs

Lauren Simmonds

This morning, Croatian fuel prices shot up once again after having fallen to more respectable levels a couple of weeks ...

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Fifty Volunteers Take Care of Croatian Veteran Needs

Total Croatia News

As reports, the president of the association “Defender Helps the Defender” (Branitelj pomaže branitelju) Željko Miškulin, wanted to expand the ...

Copyright Lauren Simmonds

Sljeme Cable Car Reopens With New Service on Offer to Visitors

Lauren Simmonds

As Vecernji List/Dario Topic writes, the Sljeme cable car (Zicara Sljeme) was opened and then closed down, and has now been ...