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Croatia Marking World Hemophilia Day on 17 April

Total Croatia News

World Hemophilia Day has been observed since 1989 to raise awareness of this condition and other bleeding disorders. Thereby the World Federation ...

Juan Cruz Palacio Mir - Pexels - free for use

Large Croatian Easter Eggs Set Up in Argentinian City of Mendoza

Total Croatia News

Nora Vicario, the head of the city department for culture in this western Argentinian city, was quoted as saying that ...

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Ombudsman Comments on Outrageous Incidents Targeting the Disabled in 2021

Total Croatia News

“We have warned about the cases of hate and prejudicial speech,” Slonjšak said in her annual report. In one of ...

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Association Requests Preparation of New Law on Patients’ Rights

Total Croatia News

On the occasion of the European Day of Patients’ Rights, observed on 18 April, the association issued a statement warning about ...

Boutique vinarija Mikulić

Pelješac Tradition Museum Opens Ahead of Tourist Season

Daniela Rogulj

An impressive collection of amphorae more than two thousand years old, grinders, barrels, brandy cauldrons, old tools, fireplaces, bread ovens, ...

Istrian Police Remove Explosive Near Vrsar Following Fisherman’s Call

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, on April the 12th, Istrian police officers removed 200 pieces of small ammunition from the port of ...

Croatian Prosciutto Days to be Held in City of Split This Year

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, Croatian prosciutto, presented through its four brands (Dalmatian, Drnis, Istrian and Krk) is one of the most attractive ...

Zagreb to Become AI and Data Science Scene’s Centre in May

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, from the 10th to the 12th of May at the Plaza Event Centre (formerly the Hypo ...

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Sirnica: A Croatian Easter Delicacy

Total Croatia News

Just a couple of days ago, I was having coffee with some colleagues and discussing Easter plans. A few were ...

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Contents of a Slavonian Easter Basket: From Eggs to Green Onions

Total Croatia News

With Lent being over on Palm Sunday, Holy Week and the final days before Easter have begun. Of course, that means ...