
Matko Begovic / PIXSELL

Aminess Already Recruiting in Croatia for Tourist Season 2023

Katarina Anđelković

As Poslovni writes, Aminess hotels and camps are the first tourist company to start the search for seasonal workers next ...


Croatian Bureaucracy – A Love Affair: Mission Prison Impossible, the Review

Katarina Anđelković

As Jutarnji writes, Ines was supposed to go to prison because she had accumulated fines for driving without a driver’s license. ...


Success of Modern Methods of Cancer Treatment in Croatia

Katarina Anđelković

As Poslovni writes, the expert team of the Special Hospital Radiochirurgia Zagreb has so far had the opportunity to treat ...

Split Maritime Studies Faculty Partakes in Annual IAMU

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, this year, the International Association of Maritime Schools (IAMU) held its 22nd Annual General Assembly (AGA) in ...

Croatian Agricultural Products as Much as 22% More Expensive

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the average producer prices of Croatian agricultural products in the second quarter of this year increased by ...

The Croatian Euro Coins You Can Buy As Of December 2022

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the production of Croatian euro coins in preparation for the country’s entry into the Eurozone started this ...

Croatian Schengen Entry Provides Room for Domestic Economic Boost

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Ana Blaskovic writes with the convincing support of the European Parliament, Croatian Schengen entry is now another significant ...

Dalmatian-Venetian Languages – A Brief History of the Zaratin Dialect

Lauren Simmonds

For such a small country geographically speaking, there are so many dialects, subdialects and even ways of speech which border ...

Zagreb County Tourist Board

Zagreb County Wine Promo Film in World’s Top 10 at ART&TUR in Portugal

Total Croatia News

Good things are happening around Zagreb… There has been considerable promotion of the goumet scene in Zagreb County in recent ...

Screenshot / Zadarski

2000 Years Old Roman Ship Discovered off the Coast of Sukosan near Zadar

Katarina Anđelković

Zadarski reports that although it has long been speculated that the seabed of the ancient harbor at the Barbir site ...