
New York Croat Attended the Austrian-American Day Reception in New York City

Total Croatia News

Mavrek’s connection with Austria dates back to the 2000s when he worked as a research fellow at Karl-Franz-University in Graz ...

Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Sabine Engelhardt Chooses Brac Agriculture over Architecture

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski/Blanka Kufner writes, Sabine Engelhardt is the owner of the eco estate Gea Viva which has been entirely designed according ...

Another Archaeological Find Takes Us Back to Roman Rule Over Istria

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, an impressive archaeological find was discovered down on the seabed of Barbariga bay in Istria recently. A large ...

Photo by Grgo Jelavic Pixsell

Dutchman Arrives in Dubrovnik in Search of Father from 1967 Romance

Total Croatia News

Every day is an education in this beautiful county, and life is never dull with the TCN inbox.  A week ...

51 Islands, 1 Swimmer, 1 Promise: the RokOtok Press Conference

Total Croatia News

I don’t go to many press conferences as they are usually really quite dull, but when you get the call ...

Croatian Care Home Costs Set to Rise by 20% as Inflation Continues

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, small pensions and long waiting lists for Croatian care homes have long since been an uncomfortable ...

African Love Story as Croatia and China Mark 30 Years

Total Croatia News

A very stimulating evening of Chinese culture to celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations between China and Croatia last night, ...

Best Man to Best Croatian Chef in Vegas, Music by Elvis

Total Croatia News

The only other time in my life that I have been a best man was the second wedding of my ...

Pula Tourism is Booming, But Decent Public Toilets are Lacking…

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes, the City of Pula is reputed to be one of the ”most touristic” and most visited cities ...


Cro Traditions: Crkveni God, aka Kirbaj, Kirvaj – Patron Saint Celebration

Katarina Anđelković

Emica Elvedji / PIXSELL September 29 is the day of St Michael, the patron saint of grocers, paramedics, mariners, paratroopers, ...