
mila gojsalic

The Croatian Legend of Mila Gojsalic

Lauren Simmonds

June the 12th, 2024 – Croatia abounds in myths and legends, and one of the most popular is that of ...

ban dragonja pazin

Meet Ban Dragonja, The Giant of Pazin

Lauren Simmonds

June the 11th, 2024 – Have you ever heard of the man the size of a mountain? Meet Ban Dragonja ...

croatian female scientists

Meet The Legendary Croatian Female Scientists

Katarina Anđelković

June the 9th, 2024 – There are some amazing Croatian female scientists that don’t get anywhere even close to the ...

croatian accommodation inspectors

Tourism Faces Lack of Croatian Accommodation inspectors

Lauren Simmonds

June the 9th, 2024 – Tourism has been facing the same issue for many years now, regardless of the eVisitor ...

croatian animal shelters

5 Croatian Animal Shelters to Volunteer at or Donate to

Lauren Simmonds

June the 8th, 2024 – If you’re an animal lover and you’re looking to give back to the less fortunate ...

zaratin dialect

Dalmatian-Venetian Languages: The Zaratin Dialect

Lauren Simmonds

June the 6th, 2024 – You might have been to Zadar, but how much do you know about the demise ...

traditional croatian tattoos

Exploring Traditional Croatian Tattoos – Sicanje

Lauren Simmonds

June the 5th, 2024 –  Traditions abound across Croatia and vary from region to region, they come in the form ...

istrian craft distilling

Exploring Istrian Craft Distilling Through The Ages

Total Croatia News

June the 4th, 2024 – How much do you know about Istrian craft distilling through the ages? Dr. Robin Smith ...

croatian breakfast

What is a Typical Croatian Breakfast?

Daniela Rogulj

June the 4th, 2024 – What people from all around the world eat when they wake up varies greatly, but ...

adopted croatian cat

Adopted Croatian Cat Releases Song about Baby Lasagna and Cat Adoption with AI Help

Total Croatia News

June the 3rd, 2024 – An adopted Croatian cat has used AI to help create a song about cat adoption ...