
Death Cheaper Than Birth?

Total Croatia News

If you were in a position to choose, death would be a more cost effective option then birth. Still, money ...

Biggest International Conference for Young Entrepreneurs and Innovators to Take Place in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

LEAP Summit, the biggest international conference for young entrepreneurs connected to innovation, entrepreneurship, and inspiring stories, will take place at ...

June will see Hollywood Star Michael Weatherly Arrive in Dubrovnik

Lauren Simmonds

Michael Weatherly will be the guest of the largest media event in the region at the Palace Hotel in Dubrovnik ...

An Overview of the Cost of Living in Zagreb in May 2017

Total Croatia News

According to and as you can see by the sheer amount of prices in red, almost every item on the ...

Ultra Worldwide Confirms: Ultra Europe to Remain in Croatia this Year!

Daniela Rogulj

An end to the recent Ultra Europe drama? The music festival will remain in Split this year!

IMG 1512

Croatian Creations: A Hand-crafted, Beauty Bargain to Revive Sailor Skin.

Total Croatia News

Total Croatia Sailing will go live this month; the newest addition to the Total Croatia News family. We cover all ...

Limited Number of Tickets for Revelin’s Opening of Season

Lauren Simmonds

Are you ready for summer 2017? Dubrovnik’s Culture Club Revelin is!

Locations for Capturing Dubrovnik’s Best Sunrises

Lauren Simmonds

Selfies are alright, and sunsets are beautiful all around the world, particularly in Dubrovnik, but what about sunrise?

A Love Letter To Split

Total Croatia News

TCN’s Goran Antonijević wrote a love letter to his hometown and his fellow citizens

Film Premiere: Dubrovnik, Venice, Barcelona – Dream Destinations in Danger

Lauren Simmonds

The Croatian premiere of ”Dubrovnik, Venice, Barcelona – Dream Destinations in Danger” will be shown on the 8th of May ...