Come & Celebrate The 8th Ston Salt Festival

Lauren Simmonds

8th ston salt festival
Grgo Jelavic/PIXSELL

August the 24th, 2024 – The formerly autonomous Dubrovnik Republic’s wealth was heavily propped up by salt from Ston, and the tradition of cultivating it reigns strong in the area even to this very day. Come and celebrate all that it means for southern Dalmatia at the 8th Ston Salt Festival.

Let’s turn the clock back to the independent Dubrovnik Republic, then known primarily as Ragusa. Entirely self-governing, it was known for its forward thinking and diplomacy with all of its neighbours, even the intensely jealous Venetian Empire just across the Adriatic Sea. Setting it apart from everyone else entirely, Ragusa formed a working relationship with the marauding Ottoman Empire, which was brutally conquering swathes of land across the region, with what’s now modern Croatia falling to them also.

Grgo Jelavić/PIXSELL

In short, it was different. Salt panned in Ston close to the Peljesac peninsula was a key component of what made Ragusa different. Ston’s precious salt pans were defended by the mighty Ston Walls, and nothing was considered too much effort when it came to ensuring this wealth was protected. It’s safe to say that Ston’s salt was and continues to be of the utmost importance to local people, and Solana Ston (the Ston Saltworks) continue to operate as they always have done, leading some to refer to Ston as having been “built on a grain of salt”. It’s no wonder there’s a festival dedicated to this resource.

the 8th ston salt festival

Grgo Jelavić/PIXSELL

The 8th Ston Salt Festival will spotlight what this charming southern Dalmatian town is known for (aside from its equally incredible shellfish) worldwide, maintaining the significance of it in the minds of the public.

The 8th Ston Salt Festival is scheduled for the 29th of August, with the opening taking place at 20:00 at the imposing and beautiful Kastio Fortress. There, visitors will be free to enjoy an interesting exhibition called “A Mosaic of Marin Držić and St. Blaise”, which will celebrate Dubrovnik-born writer Marin Držić, often referred to as Croatia’s very own William Shakespeare, and the patron saint and protector of the city, Saint Blaise (Sveti Vlaho).

A little later on at 20:30, guests will be able to kick back and enjoy the Wine, Salt and Jazz Night at Solana Ston (the Ston Saltworks), surrounded by the age-old traditions involving salt that have dominated and contributed to this beautiful part of the Dalmatian coast for countless centuries.


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