Battling Allergies in Croatia? Meet the Culprit

Katarina Anđelković

allergies in croatia often caused by ragweed
Photo: Ivica Galovic/PIXSELL

September 1, 2023 – It is the peak of ragweed blooming season. This widespread weed causes significant health problems for many allergy sufferers. Ragweed grows everywhere where there is enough light and can grow more than two meters, taking root firmly. It is one of the most common causes of allergies in Croatia.

Ragweed is a big problem at this time of the year because it produces huge amounts of pollen, which, due to its shape, is very mobile in nature. Air currents can carry it several kilometers from the parent plant, writes Index.

“All measures should be taken to reduce the number of ragweed”

“Therefore, essential to take all effective measures to reduce its number and therefore the amount of pollen in the air. It can produce as many as 8 million pollen grains in 5 hours,” Kristina Knez from the Institute of Public Health said for HRT.


For 20 years, the Institute for Public Health has been monitoring and processing data and giving advice. But the main problem is unmaintained land and fields. The law on communal order stipulates that the owners of their land must maintain it.

“They also have to regularly mow and remove weeds, and this removal of weeds naturally includes the removal of ragweed,” explains Domagoj Škorić, agricultural warden in Varaždin.

However, not everyone does that. Communal wardens come out after citizens report. “Continuous monitoring is carried out, about 150 warnings and 20 fines were issued this year,” says Škorić.

Fines range from 66 to 660 euros, depending on the size of the area. Because of the irresponsible owners, the situation causes the same problems with allergies in Croatia year after year – sneezing, sniffling, difficulty breathing. Symptoms can be controlled to some extent.

Advice for All Battling Allergies in Croatia

“Certainly take a shower after spending time in nature, wash your hands, take off your clothes, regularly brush and wash your pets. When there are high concentrations in the air, dry your clothes indoors,” Knez recommends.

In addition, of course, it is necessary to regularly take allergy meds and monitor the data. “We publish this on our official website, where you can also download an app that provides a forecast for your devices and thus monitor the concentration of pollen,” says Knez.

The peak of pollen concentration will be in the coming days, and it is expected to calm down in about 2 weeks.


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