Novska Gaming Centre Nominated for Prestigious Emerging Europe Award

Lauren Simmonds

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May the 9th, 2023 – The Novska Gaming Centre, which has placed an otherwise very much overlooked part of Croatia into the spotlight of a rapidly evolving and wildly popular pastime, has been nominated for the Emerging Europe Award.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the Novska Gaming Centre (Novska Gaming Industry Centre) has been nominated for the prestigious “Emerging Europe Awards” in the “Inclusive Entrepreneurship Initiative of the Year” category. These are awards that Europe gives to regional achievements in sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship, and the Novska Gaming Centre, which is currently still only in its design phase, has already been duly recognised as a project from which a great deal can be expected.

The Pismo Incubator has pointed out that according to the votes cast so far, the Novska Gaming Centre is in the top three projects.

“The Novska Gaming Centre includes a large campus with a gaming industry accelerator, a faculty building, a student dormitory and all other accompanying sports facilities, as well as an e-sports arena and a business incubator, all intended for the development of the gaming industry here as a whole. The location where it will be located is the Novska business zone, and the building will span a massive 8,000 square metres and will be worth 50 million euros, the financing for which comes from the just transition fund. Considering the successes achieved by the fastest growing Croatian entrepreneurial incubator with its seventy start-ups and numerous projects, we believe that we can win this award,” they stated from the Pismo Incubator.

The Novska Gaming Centre has been described in the nomination as a project in the making that proves how an industry branch can be created from scratch and successfully developed, which is so far very much in evidence if we look at the example of the Pismo Incubator itself.

“We’re at an advanced stage of designing the centre. We obtained the location permit back in December last year, and the designers are currently submitting their applications for the first of five building permits, and that’s why we are extremely happy to hear that we’ve been nominated for this prestigious award in the category of projects that represent the future of Europe,” stated Andreja Seperac.

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