
T1 Meetup Tokić Group: Biggest Innovation Today is on Margins of Auto Industry

Daniela Rogulj

For two days, Zagreb was the center of the European automotive industry and a gathering place for thirty experts in ...

Foreign Exchange Intervention: Croatian National Bank Sells €171 Million

Lauren Simmonds

As Jadranka Dozan/Poslovni Dnevnik writes, on the 2nd of March, the Croatian National Bank intervened in regard to the exchange rate ...

Photo: IVC/Pixsell

Resolution Prevents Negative Scenario, Sberbank Croatia Continues Operating Normally

Total Croatia News

Due to a rapid deterioration of liquidity, the European Central Bank announced on Monday that Sberbank Croatia “is failing or likely ...

Image: INA/Official Website

INA Gets Exploration License For Concession In Egypt

Total Croatia News

“This is a follow-up to INA’s activities on this key foreign market for the company in terms of oil and ...

Image: Raiffeisenbank Hrvatska/Facebook

RBA: Croatian Clients’ Money And Assets Safe

Total Croatia News

Regarding Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) and its exposure to the Russian and Ukraine markets and its connection with the local RBA bank ...

Image: PhotoMIX Company by Pexels

DZS: Value Of Construction Work Increases By 13.8% In 2021, New Orders Up 21.1%

Total Croatia News

The value of construction work was HRK 30.3 billion, of which 21.7 billion accounted for work done by own workers ...

Image: Pexels

EIZ: Labour Demand up 72% Compared to February 2021

Total Croatia News

“Positive movements on the labor market, which have been recorded since mid-2021, continue. According to OVI index for February 2022, ...

Image: Pexels

Croatian Engineers Seek Higher Pay and More Foreign Workers

Total Croatia News

This year’s Engineers Day was devoted to long-term plans to make the engineering profession more competitive on both the domestic and global ...

Image: Pexels

HNB Intervenes in Foreign Currency Market to Preserve Kuna Exchange Rate

Total Croatia News

This was the central bank’s first foreign exchange intervention since 16 June 2021. The kuna strengthened against the euro by ...

New Superology Office in Zagreb – A Neighborhood within a Neighborhood

Total Croatia News

One of the key demands of the new office was to intertwine space and culture that promotes openness, transparency, and ...