
Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

Austrian Company PicoPack to Begin Knin-based Packaging Production

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Suzana Varosanec writes, an new opportunity is opening up Knin, known for its role during the Homeland War, ...


Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Rise For Second Day in Row

Total Croatia News

With regard to sectoral indices, the industrial index increased the most, by 3.07%, and only the food index saw a ...

Screenshot / CROPIX

Maraska Drink Factory Marks 200th Anniversary

Total Croatia News

The hosts informed the prime minister about the alcoholic beverage plant, where the extract of marasca cherry and walnut is stored ...


Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Rebound

Total Croatia News

Turnover at the close of the trading session was HRK 23.6 million, about 5.1 million higher than on Monday. The ...

© Span

Span IT Company Raises HRK 101.2 Mn Through Public Offering, Shares Listed on Zagreb Stock Exchange

Total Croatia News

Span’s shares were bought by more than 1,000 shareholders, and trading in them will start on 23 September. Marked SPAN-R-A, ...


Volume of Construction Work Grows For 14th Straight Month Y-O-Y

Total Croatia News

July was the 14th month in a row for the volume of construction work to increase on the year. DZS ...


Introduction of the Euro: What Will the First Two Weeks Look Like?

Total Croatia News

Pay in kunas, get euros back. At least this is how the first two weeks in Croatia would look after ...

Pekara Dubravica Boasts 35 Bakeries, Not Considering Exports

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Darko Bicak writes, over the past several months, we’ve witnessed a great growth of the bakery/baked goods market ...


Croatian Electronic Communications Market Sees Increases in Revenue and Investment

Total Croatia News

Revenues from broadband Internet access increased by 10%, from network rental by 7% and from pay television by 4%. Investment ...

Destiny of Much Loved Motel Plitvice Lies in Croatian Motorways’ Hands

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Vedran Marjanovic writes, the fate of Motel Plitvice, a favourite place to stop for many road users along the ...