
Croatian Software Industry Needs 2,000 Employees

Total Croatia News

Looking for a job in Croatia? One industry sector has plenty of openings.

Dolac Market Reopens in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

A return home for Zagreb’s iconic market.

The Longest Positive Trend in Retail Sales Since 2007

Total Croatia News

Consumer retail confidence continues in Croatia. 

Croatian Exports are Up

Total Croatia News

More good economic news on exports. 

More Cars on Croatian Motorways

Total Croatia News

More cars mean more toll revenue.

New Rules for Cigarettes Users and Producers in Croatia

Total Croatia News

Some changes in the cigarette industry in Croatia.

Dubrovnik Becomes 3rd Airport to Handle Million Passengers, 4th Busiest in Ex-Yu

Total Croatia News

(Photo credit ExYuAviation) Another Croatian airport welcomes its millionth passenger for the year earlier than in 2014.

Croatian Tourism to Bring 7.8 Billion Euros This Year

Total Croatia News

A bumper year for financial tourism receipts predicted. 

A New Seaplane Arrives in Split, and a Live ECA Webcam for Lastovo

Total Croatia News

The end of a very long journey for one seaplane from California to Split, and a bonus for webcam lovers ...

Exports in Croatia Increase by 10.9 Percent

Total Croatia News

Croatian exports in the first five months of this year have increased by 10.9 percent compared to last year, while ...