
Could Revising Student Earnings Limit Solve Croatian Labour Issue?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, irritated employers have rightly pointed out that the income threshold after which the right to tax ...

Image: Pixabay

ZSE Indices End Week in Red

Total Croatia News

Turnover at the close of the trading session was HRK 10.8 million, about 2.3 million higher than on Thursday. An ...

Image: Pixabay

Žito Group, E.ON Sign Contract for Construction of Solar Power Plant

Total Croatia News

The new solar power plant will be the eight solar power plant Žito Group operates as part of its energy ...

Image: 360Zagreb Facebook Page

Compensation For Converted Loans Outside Scope Of Consumer Protection Directive

Total Croatia News

The court published a decision on Thursday saying that the directive of 5 April 1993 on unfair terms in consumer ...

Three Croatian Egg Farms Collapse, Set to Close at End of Week?

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian poultry and egg producers are currently navigating troubled waters. Just as they announced before Easter, ...

Image: Pixabay

Volume of Retail Trade in March Down Slightly in EU, Croatia Sees Strong Growth

Total Croatia News

In March, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade decreased by 0.2% in the EU and by 0.4% in the ...

Croatian Motorways “Makeover” to Total 263 Million Kuna from Own Funds

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marija Brnic writes, Croatian Motorways will soon get to work on the demolition of Motel Rastovica on the A3 ...

Igor Soban/PIXSELL

€1.04 Billion Worth of Treasury Bills Sold to Refinance “Old” Treasury Bill

Total Croatia News

Ahead of the maturity of €1.2 billion worth of treasury bills, issued before the previous financial crisis, the ministry today offered €1.2 billion ...

Image: Pixabay

Bridge MP Says Euro Introduction Should Be Postponed

Total Croatia News

“The national economy is not ready yet for euro introduction, that decision should be postponed during this time with the ...

Josip Petrlic/Flickr

HŽ Cargo Generates Revenue of HRK 482.3 Million in 2021, Up 5%

Total Croatia News

This is the result of a series of activities undertaken to ensure liquidity and optimise business, new contracts and new investments in modernisation ...