

Newfire Global Partners Moving Employees from Ukraine to Zagreb and Osijek

Daniela Rogulj

The American company, founded in 2016, operates on four continents and in eight countries, has four offices in Ukraine, three ...

Russian Fortenova Co-Ownership Ending Following Ukraine Invasion

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Russia’s largest commercial bank, Sberbank, will soon cease to be a co-owner of Croatia’s Fortenova Group ...

Croatian Tourism Companies Learning From Mistakes as Easter Approaches

Lauren Simmonds

As Novac/Jutarnji/Barbara Ban writes, the currently great uncertainty all over Europe over the war raging in Ukraine has slowed bookings ...

Pogarcic Auto: Rijeka Company Opening Doors to Ukrainian Workers

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Vedran Pogarcic, the owner of Pogarcic auto, says he is more than ready to immediately hire ...

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Finance Minister Says S&P Report Very Positive

Total Croatia News

“In the present circumstances, this is very good news. The report is very positively worded,” Marić told a press conference. ...

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PM: Affirmation of Croatia’s Credit Rating is Message of Confidence

Total Croatia News

PM Plenković tweeted that the decision of that credit rating agency to affirm Croatia’s ratings with stable outlook “is a ...

Russian Sanctions Problematic for Croatian Wood Floor Manufacturers

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Jadranka Dozan writes, the proverbial earthquakes triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine across global markets – primarily through ...

The Climate Pledge: Croatian Post and Finnish Equivalent Find Common Ground

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, Croatian Post has joined The Climate Pledge initiative – an international, cross-sectoral community of companies and organisations ...


Zagreb Stock Exchange Indices Continue Rising

Total Croatia News

Regular turnover amounted to HRK 11.8 million, or HRK 4.2 million more than on Thursday. The HT telecom was the ...


Mandatory Pension Funds’ Assets Down HRK 3.1 bn Month-Over-Month

Total Croatia News

“The increased macroeconomic uncertainty in the first half of February resulted in an increase in global risk premiums, which was ...