Presentation of Business Opportunities on the Norwegian Market for Croatian Companies

Total Croatia News

Want to export to Norway?

According to the press release issued on February 1, 2016, Croatian Exporters Association, in cooperation with Croatian Embassy in Norway, is organizing a presentation entitled „Business conditions and business opportunities for Croatian exporters to the Norwegian market”. The presentation will take place on Thursday, February 11t 2016 starting at 10.00 am, at the headquarters of Koncar Electrical Industries Inc., Fallerovo šetalište 22, XI floor, Zagreb.


Through a presentation prepared by the HE Hrvoje Marušić, Croatian Ambassador in Norway, Croatian exporters and interested parties will receive relevant information regarding business practices and performance in the Norwegian market. Attendees will also be able to hear from Croatian companies that are already present in Norway such as Dalekovod d.d. and CRONOMAR Ltd.

For more information contact e Croatian Exporters Association on 01/ 49 23 797 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. 


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