Uljanik’s Frustrated Employees Will Start Working on Monday

Lauren Simmonds

Updated on:

Croatia’s shipyards are struggling, and for a long time the state has had its hands firmly tied when it comes to offering them potential ways out of their issues. Uljanik’s workers have previously gone as far as to take to the streets in protest against the way in which they’re being treated, often going dangerously long periods without being paid. 

Issues at the very top of the management board have resulted in long wage delays for dedicated employees who have been made so desperate they have gone on strike, but it seems as of tomorrow, things will return to normal, at least for now…

As Morski writes on the 18th of November, 2018, in spite of the payment of minimum wages, negotiations between the Croatian Government and Uljanik’s unions apparently did manage to bring fruit, as was announced on Monday, and the strike in which Uljanik’s employees have continuously held since October the 22nd should come to an end.


”We’ve been paid the minimum for now, and we were promised that we’d not have to wait so long in October. We simply decided that it was time to stop the strike, because that’s what the shipowners expect from us. We will be the ones ending ourselves if we don’t continue to work. We’ll take a fifteen day break from strike activities, but we won’t disband the strike board,” said Đino Šverko, a member of Uljanik’s strike board, for N1.

He also said that Uljanik’s employers had nothing against Uljanik and May 3 being separated.

”We have to start thinking about work. The strike is going on and on, if it lasts until the end of the month, we’ll end up closing everything ourselves, we can’t see a way out. We’re starting work, we’ll carry out our tasks and then everything remains in the hands of the the Croatian Government,” Deni Širol told N1.


For more information on the state of the domestic economy, Croatian companies, business and the possible fate of Uljanik, make sure to follow our dedicated business page.


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