More and More Croatian Gun Owners, Expert Explains Why

Lauren Simmonds

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April the 11th, 2023 – There are a growing number of Croatian gun owners, and an expert has explained that this is due to an increasing feeling of a lack of safety and security, as well as issues with the police.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the number of Croatian gun owners and people who generally carry weapons on their person is gradually increasing, reports N1.

“This is due to the feeling of general insecurity. In many situations, it ends up turning out that when you call the police, they don’t turn up. It’s mentioned that there are 19,000 individual pieces of a certain weapon that Croatian gun owners possess, but this is unlikely to be as black and white as it seems, as there are many pieces of memorabilia that people own from the Homeland War. You have a large disproportion going on here, you have 250,000 Croatian gun owners who have the permitted (legal) right to keep and carry weapons, and 40,000 of them only have the right to keep them and not carry them, and these are mostly war veterans,” expert Pavle Kalinic said.


“We tried to prevent the possession of weapons by short actions where people would return their weapons without facing any sort of punishment, but this did not give great results. The fact is that nothing has changed in that regard. The current estimates are that there are probably over 100,000 of a certain weapon being held at home by Croatian gun owners. I can guarantee that,” he concluded.

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